Syllabus for Bachelor of Commerce in Accounts
B.Com (Honours)
Academic Session: W.e.f. 2020-2023
Semester III
CORE PAPER V : Business Statistics Marks (External 80: Internal 20)
QUESTION PAPER PATTERN : There will be two groups of questions. Five Questions to be answered out of Nine Questions. Group A is compulsory and will contain two questions. Question No.1 (A) will be MCQ of 1 mark each (eight questions). Question No.1 (B) will be short answer type to be answered in about 100 words of 4marks (2 Questions). Group B will contain descriptive type eight questions of sixteen marks each, out of which any four are to answer. Each question carries 16 marks.
Unit I: Statistical data and descriptive statistics: Measurement of central tendency: a) Mathematical average including arithmetic mean, Geometric mean and Harmonic mean. Properties and applications. b) Positional average Mode and Median (and other partition values including quartiles, deciles and percentiles including graphic determination). Measures of variation: Absolute and relative. Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and their coefficient, properties of standard deviation/variation. Skewness: Meaning, measurement using Karl Pearson and Bowley’s measure.
Unit II: Probability: Theory of probability, Approaches to the calculation of probability. Calculation of event probabilities, Addition and multiplication laws of probability (proof not required). Conditional probability and Bayes theorem (proof not required)
Unit III: Simple correlation and regression analysis: Correlation analysis- Meaning of correlation: Simple, Multiple and partial, Linear and non-linear, correlation and causation, Scatter diagram, Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation, calculation and properties (proof not required). Correlation and probable error, Rank correlation, Regression analysis. Principles of least square and regression lines, Regression equation and estimation, properties of regression co-efficient, relationship between correlation regression coefficients, Standard error of Estimate.
Unit IV: Index Numbers: Meaning and use of Index Numbers. Constructions of Index Numbers: Fixed and chain base: Aggregative and average of relatives/simple and weighted. Tests of adequacy of Index numbers, Base shifting, splicing and deflating, Problems in the constructions of Index numbers. Constructions of consumer price indices. Important share price indices, including BSE SENSEX and NSE NIFTY.
Unit V: Time series analysis: Component of time series. Additive and multiplicative models. Trend analysis. Fitting of trend line using principle of least squarelinear, second degree parabola and exponential. Conversion of annual linear trend equation to quarterly/monthly basis and vice – versa
CORE PAPER VI: Direct Tax Law and Practices Marks (External 80: Internal 20)
QUESTION PAPER PATTERN : There will be two groups of questions. Five Questions to be answered out of Nine Questions. Group A is compulsory and will contain two questions. Question No.1 (A) will be MCQ of 1 mark each (eight questions). Question No.1 (B) will be short answer type to be answered in about 100 words of 4marks (2 Questions). Group B will contain descriptive type eight questions of sixteen marks each, out of which any four are to answer. Each question carries 16 marks.
Unit 1: Introduction—Basic Concept: Income, agricultural income, person, assesse, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, maximum marginal rate of tax; Permanent Account Number (PAN). Residential status: Scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.
Unit II: Computation of income under different heads-1-Income from Salaries, Income from house property.
Unit III: Computation of income under different heads-2-Profits and gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.
Unit IV: Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability-Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income; Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses; Deduction from gross total income; Rebates and reliefs; Computation of total income of individuals and firms; Tax liability of an individuals and a firm; GST-Format & Computing Process.
Unit V: Preparation of Return of Income-Filing of returns: Manually, On-Line filing of Returns of Income and TDS, Provision and Procedure of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses.
CORE PAPER VII: Human Resource Management Marks (External 80: Internal 20)
QUESTION PAPER PATTERN : There will be two groups of questions. Five Questions to be answered out of Nine Questions. Group A is compulsory and will contain two questions. Question No.1 (A) will be MCQ of 1 mark each (eight questions). Question No.1 (B) will be short answer type to be answered in about 100 words of 4marks (2 Questions). Group B will contain descriptive type eight questions of sixteen marks each, out of which any four are to answer. Each question carries 16 marks.
Unit I : Human Resources Management: Concept and Functions, Role, Status and competencies of HR Manager, HR Policies, Evolution of HRM, Emerging Challenges of Human Resource Management, workforce diversity, empowerment, Downsizing, VRS, Human Resource Information System.
Unit II : Acquisition of Human Resource: Human Resource Planning – Quantitative and Qualitative dimensions, job analysis – job description and job specification, Recruitment – concept and sources, Selection – Concept and process, test and interview, placement induction.
Unit III: Training and Development, Concept and Importance, Identifying training and Development Needs, Designing Training Programs, Role Specification and Competency Based Training, Evaluating Training Effectiveness, Training Process Outsourcing, Management development: Career Development.
Unit IV: Performance appraisal, nature and objectives, Modern Techniques of performance appraisal, potential appraisal and employee counseling, job changes – transfers and promotions. Compensation: concept and policies, job evaluation, methods of wage payments and incentive plans, fringe benefits, performance linked compensation.
Unit V: Maintenance: employee health and safety, employee welfare, society security, Employer-Employee relations- an overview. Grievance handling and redressal Industrial Disputes causes and settlement machinery.
GENERIC ELECTIVE : Business Economics Marks (External 80: Internal 20)
QUESTION PAPER PATTERN : There will be two groups of questions. Five Questions to be answered out of Nine Questions. Group A is compulsory and will contain two questions. Question No.1 (A) will be MCQ of 1 mark each (eight questions). Question No.1 (B) will be short answer type to be answered in about 100 words of 4marks (2 Questions). Group B will contain descriptive type eight questions of sixteen marks each, out of which any four are to answer. Each question carries 16 marks.
Unit I: Nature and scope of Business Economics; Relationship between Economic theories and Business Economics, Law of demand. Elasticity of demand: Concept, types and methods of measurement; Significant of elasticity of demand in business decisions, Demand Estimation and Demand Forecasting. Indifference Curve Technique: Some applications of indifference curves.
Unit II: Production Function; Cobb Douglas Production Function, Law of Returns; Returns to scale and scope; Economies and diseconomies of scale, Costs in the Short Run; LongRun Cost Curves; ‘L’ shaped cost curves, Cost functions ; Derivation of AC and MC functions-simple calculations. Break Even Analysis. Concept and measurements.
Unit III: Price and Output Decisions under Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition through diagrams and numerical measurements. Oligopoly- Features, price leadership, Kinked Demand under oligopoly. Pricing and policies.
Unit IV: National Income Analysis-Concepts and measurements. Consumption function and investment function, Business Cycles-Various phases and theories. Inflation meaning causes and effects.
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